Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Main Idea

The main idea of a reading passage is best described as finding the gist, or identifying what the passage is mostly about.

The main idea usually can be found:
- in the first sentence

- in the last sentence
- in the middle of the paragraph
- in two sentences of the paragraph
- not stated in the paragraph directly (implied)

Makah - Whaling

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


-Who's there?

-Boo who?
Don't cry, I was only joking

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Centralia Massacre of 1919

Burial of Wesley Everest, a Wobblie who shot and killed a man. He was caught and taken to jail. That night, an angry mob of over 1,000 men kidnapped Everest from jail and hanged him on a bridge outside of Centralia. Wobblies were persecuted throughout Washington State for days.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Image as Metaphor

© Oakland Museum of California, City of Oakland
Dorothea Lange
American, 1958
Gelatin silver print
9 1/2 x 13 1/4 in.

• What can you say about the people in this photograph just by looking at their feet?
• How did Lange "frame" her picture of the children?
• Why do you think that Lange included only her subjects' feet in this picture?
• What patterns or repeating motifs can you find in this picture?

Background Information
Lange took this picture of children's feet during her travels in Indonesia in 1958. She was both documenting an aspect of life in Indonesia—the custom of going barefoot—and creating an abstract and even playful composition that incorporates the strong, simple elements of feet, lines in the ground and on one foot, and a leaf at the bottom of the picture. The feet are shown as viewed from above, set against a dark background. A pleasing pattern is created by the repeated shapes of the feet and toes, set at different angles and extending into the frame of the picture by different degrees.

All varieties of legs and feet had long fascinated Lange. Among her photographs are images of a woman's legs clothed in torn stockings, a businessman's feet stepping off a streetcar, and an Egyptian youth's legs straddling his burro. She photographed her own foot as well, which was misshapen by the polio attack she suffered in her youth. Lange's self-consciousness about her foot may well have given her an especially keen awareness of other people's feet and a desire to photograph them.

Lange seemed to very much enjoy her time in Indonesia, where she visited with royalty, watched performances of classical Javanese dance, swam in the cold mountain water of jungle pools, and collected local crafts. However, she never forgot that she was a privileged American outsider. When Lange traveled to Calcutta, India, she purposely chose not to document the extreme poverty she found there. Perhaps the numerous images of feet that Lange created while in Indonesia reflect a desire to avoid depicting the harsher aspects of Indonesian life.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Figurative Devices for You to Enjoy

Alliteration: Repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of several words in a phrase (Sally sells seashells by the seashore.)

Hyperbole: An exaggeration (That person can touch the clouds.)

Idiom: An expression that cannot be understood from the individual meanings of its elements, as you drive me crazy

Irony: The opposite of what is meant (What a genius!)

Metaphor: A comparison of two unlike things that suggests a similarity between the two items. (Love is a rose.)

Onomatopoeia: Words that sound like what they are. (POP! BAM! Slosh)

Personification: Making an inanimate object or animal act like a person

Puns: A word or words, which are formed or sounded alike, but have different meaning; to have more than one possible meaning. (Using that pencil is pointless.)

Simile: A comparison using "like" or "as" (She sings like an angel.)

Prefixes, Suffixes & Roots Rap