Tuesday, January 28, 2014

"Chrysalis Diary," by Paul Fleishman

Chrysalis Diary
-Paul Fleishman

1                                                                              November 13:
2              Cold told me
3              to fasten my feet
4              to this branch,
5                                                                              to dangle upside down
6                                                                              from my perch,
7              to shed my skin,
8                                                                              to cease being a caterpillar
9              and I have obeyed.                              and I have obeyed.


"That Day," by David Kherdian

That Day
-David Kherdian

1              Just once
2              my father stopped on the way
3              into the house from work
4              and joined in the softball game
5              we were having in the street,
6              and attempted to play in our
7              game that his country had never
8              known.

9              Just once
10           and the day stands out forever
11           in my memory
12           as a father’s living gesture
13           to his son,
14           that in playing even the fool
15           or the clown, he would reveal
16           that the lines of their lives
17           were sewn from a tougher fabric
18           than the son he had previously known.

Monday, January 27, 2014

"Good-Night," by Robert Louis Stevenson


-Robert Louis Stevenson

1              When the bright lamp is carried in,
2              The sunless hours again begin;
3              O’er all without, in field and lane,
4              The haunted night returns again.

5              Now we behold the embers flee
6              About the firelit hearth; and see
7              Our faces painted as we pass,
8              Like pictures, on the window-glass.

"Anything," by Headley (clean version)


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"Wake Me Up," by Avicii

Wake Me Up

"quilting," by Lucille Clifton

-Lucille Clifton

1                     somewhere in the unknown world
2                     a yellow eyed woman
3                     sits with her daughter
4                     quilting.

5                     some other where
6                     alchemists* mumble over pots.
7                     their chemistry stirs
8                     into science, their science
9                     freezes into stone.

10                 in the unknown world
11                 the woman
12                 threading together her need
13                 and her needle
14                 nods toward the smiling girl
15                 remember
16                 this will keep us warm.

17                 how does this poem end?
18                             do the daughters’ daughters quilt?
19                             do the alchemists practice their tables?
20                             do the worlds continue spinning
21                             away from each other forever?

Monday, January 6, 2014

"My Mother Pieced Quilts," by Teresa Paloma Acosta

My Mother Pieced Quilts
-Teresa Paloma Acosta

1              they were just meant as covers
2              in winters
3              as weapons
4              against pounding january winds

5              but it was just that every morning I awoke to these
6              october ripened canvases
7              passed my hand across their cloth faces
8              and began to wonder how you pieced
9              all these together
10           these strips of gentle communion cotton and flannel nightgowns
11           wedding organdies
12           dime store velvets

13           how you shaped patterns square and oblong and round
14     positioned
15     balanced
16     then cemented them
17     with your thread
18     a steel needle
19     a thimble

20     how the thread darted in and out
21     galloping along the frayed edges, tucking them in
22     as you did us at night
23     oh how you stretched and turned and re-arranged
24     your michigan spring faded curtain pieces
25     my father’s santa fe work shirt
26     the summer denims, the tweeds of fall

27     in the evening you sat at your canvas
28     - our cracked linoleum floor the drawing board
29     me lounging on your arm
30     and you staking out the plan:
31     whether to put the lilac purple of easter against the red plaid
32           of winter-going-
33     into-spring
34     whether to mix a yellow with blue and white and paint the
35     corpus Christi noon when my father held your hand
36     whether to shape a five-point star from the
37     somber black silk you wore to grandmother’s funeral

38     you were the river current
39     carrying the roaring notes
40     forming them into pictures of a little boy reclining
41     a swallow flying
42     you were the caravan master at the reins
43     driving your threaded needle artillery across the mosaic
44           cloth bridges
45           delivering yourself in separate testimonies.

46           oh mother you plunged me sobbing and laughing
47           into our past
48           into the river crossing at five
49           into the spinach fields
50           into the plainview cotton rows
51           into tuberculosis wards
52           into brains and muslin dresses
53           sewn hard and taut to withstand the thrashings of 25 years

54           stretched out they lay
55           armed/ready/shouting/celebrating

 56           knotted with love
57           the quilts sing on